Permitted Development Rights
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 allows for some categories of development to be carried out without the need to obtain planning permission. Initial advice can be given about permitted development and whether or not what you are proposing is likely to fall within the set parameters. Thereafter a decision can be taken as to whether to seek formal confirmation through a lawful development certificate.
Permitted Development Rights - Prior Approval
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 is more wide ranging than the Order it replaced and includes new style prior approval applications. An enhanced range of permitted development is permissible but an application has to be made to the Council for the impacts of certain criteria such as transport, contamination, flooding etc. to be assessed. These applications are often seen as a halfway house between permitted development and the need to make a full application and commonly include and not limited to:
Class O – Offices to Residential
Class P – Storage or Distribution Centre to a Dwelling
Class Q – Agricultural Barn to Residential Dwelling
Class R – Agricultural Buildings to a Flexible Commercial Use
Initial advice can be provided as to whether your proposal would fall within Prior Approval categories and thereafter we can manage the application process. NJA Town Planning Ltd has secured a wider number of Prior Approval Consents.
Agricultural Occupancy Conditions
Often agricultural workers’ dwellings will only be granted permission subject to a condition restricting the occupancy to someone working in agriculture/associated with the land. Over time circumstances can change, farms can be broken up and sold, agricultural workers come to retire and as such the need for a worker to live in the dwelling permanently may no longer apply leaving the property unnecessary restricted. Provided that justification exists, it is possible to apply for the removal of the condition/restriction which often has the benefit of increasing the market value of the dwelling. Advice can be provided as to how to go about making such an application, the information that is required and thereafter we can build a robust case and oversee the application process on your behalf seeking a positive outcome.
Lawful Development Certificates
In addition to making a Lawful Development Certificate for a proposed use such as confirmation that a permitted development proposal will be lawful, Lawful Development Certificates can also be made for existing uses. Often development which didn’t have planning permission can become lawful through the passage of time. NJA Town Planning Ltd has submitted many applications for CLP’s Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed uses and CLE’s Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing uses and can provide comprehensive advice on how to make such applications and oversee the process securing a certificate.
Heritage and Conservation Planning
Quite often development can fall within a Conservation Area or can relate to the extension/alteration of listed buildings or changes of use of listed buildings. NJA Town Planning Ltd regularly deals with listed buildings and ensures that the right professional advice is provided to advise on the acceptability of proposed alterations. We have submitted many Listed Building Consent applications and are familiar with this specialist legislation.
Equestrian Development
Levels of equestrian activity are very high in Sussex & Surrey and NJA Town Planning Ltd has secured permission on many occasions for stabling, sand schools, indoor arenas, horse walkers, accommodation and many other combinations of development required for your equestrian operation. Initial advice can be given and any subsequent application process can be managed.
Objection Letters
Of great concern at times can be the threat of unwanted/unwelcome development proposals. We have acted for private individuals/groups of individuals and businesses in preparing detailed and robust objection letters. On many occasions these letters have achieved their objectives and helped to get inappropriate planning applications refused. If you are concerned about a proposal and wish to discuss the possibility of being professionally represented please do not hesitate to contact us. The application concerned will be reviewed and initial advice given regarding the potential angles for objection at no cost prior to instruction.
Local Plan & Neighbourhood Plan Land Promotion
In recent years the Government has encouraged those with potential land for development to engage early in the process to make their Local Planning Authority and Parish Council in the preparation of local plans / neighbourhood plans aware that they have land available and promote it through these channels. We can advise in all aspects of this process from viewing the site through to the preparation and lodging of formal documentation to try and get your land to become an allocated site.
Where a breach of planning control has occurred, the Local Planning Authority will often wish to take steps to remedy the situation. Many individuals are often unaware that they have done anything wrong and can be worried following receipt of warning letters. Enforcement action can be wide ranging and include a number of tools for the Local Planning Authority including initial letters seeking an application be made, Breach of Condition Notices, Enforcement Notices etc. We deal regularly with enforcement matters and normally take over discussions with the Council on your behalf and manage the situation to try and remedy the situation as painlessly as possible. If you have been subject to an enforcement query and need advice please feel free to contact us for an initial review.
Commercial/Retail/Variation of Conditions & Other
As you would expect NJA Town Planning Ltd undertakes commercial, retail and other planning work. This can involve the promotion of brownfield land, changing the use of commercial & retail units, extending and altering them. Often such units are burdened with restrictive conditions that no longer apply and they need to be removed or varied so that more flexibility can apply. No two sites/situations are the same but in all cases we will listen to what you are trying to achieve and advise on the correct course of action and the type of application that is required to achieve your objective.
Further Services
Related to the four core service areas, NJA Town Planning Ltd provides the full range of planning services set out below. We have much experience with all types of planning applications and are able to provide you with initial advice regarding the most appropriate application type and more generally, how best to go about making an application and achieving permission.