Privacy Policy under GDPR 2018
As required under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), this page tells you how NJA Town Planning Ltd uses your personal information.
We only use your personal data for the purpose of providing you with our planning services. In most cases, this will be because you are about to or have entered into a contract with us to obtain our services.
The very nature of planning means that almost everything the company does is publicly viewable on Council or Government websites be it planning applications or appeals. We would only use and hold such information if we are instructed by you to provide our services. The only data that NJA Town Planning Ltd holds on you in addition is that information that is required to communicate with you such as your name or company name, telephone number/s and email address – and is all information that you yourself provide to us.
The company does not hold, or seek to hold, information on you / your company’s financial matters unless you yourself have provided such details in support of a planning application such as making a financial need argument for planning permission to be granted etc.
The company does not hold any data relating to you such as age, sex, sexual preference, religion, political views, family, hobbies, education, criminal record or other personal matters; or relating to physical, physiological, genetic, mental, cultural, economic or social identity, unless provided by you in the context of the planning services that we provide.
All this data, whether obtained from you or a public source, is held securely and is password protected. Data is never sold. Data will only be passed to a 3rd party with your consent. Other client bodies, consultants, contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers taking part in a project are however not a 3rd party, as without using such information to communicate within the project team, effective communication cannot take place and a planning project cannot come together. It is therefore necessary to share in this limited way as it is necessary for the performance of the contract between NJA Town Planning Ltd and you. Such members will be identified on a project contact sheet.
Your personal information is stored only for as long as required under the project or other legislative requirements. Such may vary in length of time but data is only maintained for the use for which it was originally intended. It is thereafter securely destroyed.
The only other way in which we use your personal data is when we may use your publicly available contact details to market our services to you. This will only be in the form of a single letter, sent following a refusal of planning permission, to alert you to our services. We do not retain a copy of the letter nor your personal details.
You can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you have any complaints about how we use your personal information or any of the above. You also have certain rights under the GDPR; please see the ICO website for further information.